my first post

>> Monday, June 15, 2009

superheroes and comic books have always been something of interest for me. my dad is a big marvel junkie and it's always seemed to rub off on me. when i was little i spent a lot of time watching teenage mutant ninja turtles and the x-men with him and when i found out he had stacks of comic books in our garage. my favorite ones are the origins of superheroes. they tell you how an outcast like peter parker became a super strong webhead swinging through the city and gamma radiation caused scientist, bruce banner, to become a massive green monster.

i love the common themes that relate each character to the others. they're all so misunderstood and trapped between the desire to lead the normal life of their alter ego and the responsibility of saving the world. anyhow, i wrote this poem my freshman year of high school and came across it the other day. so here it goes...

you look like a fool
up there in the air.
with your bright red tights
and matching cape.
so you can fly,
who cares??
it doesn't mean you need to show it off,
saving lives and what not.

i could save lives, too,
if i wanted to.
i mean,
who really wants infinite strength?
i know i don't.
your work schedule sucks.

my life is way better than yours.
people don't depend on me
and nobody cares
if i mess up.
the life of a superhero is so overrated.
but, you know,
if you ever need a sidekick or anything...
i'm available.


Holly June 16, 2009 at 10:55 PM  

james, it's so true! that is just how people are...

i think that if obvious girl had a sidekick, it would be ironic woman.

JAMIE June 16, 2009 at 11:03 PM  

you are too right! ironic woman, i love it.

Liv Bambola June 16, 2009 at 11:34 PM  

That poem f***ing ROCKS!!! I love it!! =) Welcome to the blogoshpere miss x

The Snarky Narwhal June 17, 2009 at 10:05 AM  

That was a wicked cool poem! Hope you have a great time blogging!!

Emma June 17, 2009 at 11:37 AM  

That poem?


I'm in my freshman year, and I only wish I could have such a knack for hilarity.

JAMIE June 17, 2009 at 7:34 PM  

yay thanks! unfortunately i haven't really written any other poems since, haha.

Anonymous June 18, 2009 at 12:15 AM  

Argh! This is the third time I've tried to post a comment, and every time something goes horribly wrong. Allow me to start again...

Welcome to the bloggy circle of love!

I'm afraid my love and knowledge of all things superhero only extend to the more recent movies, but still. I do concur with your poem. Personally, I'd apply to be one of Spiderman's groupies. :P

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