radiohead: an acquired sound

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

radiohead is one of my absolute favorite bands. i remember my dad being pretty pumped to buy their kid A album when i was in 6th grade and thinking it was the strangest music ever. totally couldn't compare to americana CD by the offspring or green day's dookie. pshh, filled with my middle school angst, i was sure i had much better taste than my dad.

i picked it up again toward the beginning of junior year and fell in love. i listened to kid A along with OK computer throughout my 20 minute drive to and from school for months, later adding the bends to my collection. i couldn't get enough. and then, when i found out there was another album coming out last year, i was stoked! i downloaded it for free along with thousands of other fans, but felt too guilty about listening for free that i went out and bought a copy of the actual CD.

when i found they were playing in golden gate park last summer, i knew that i would always regret it if i didn't see them despite the cost. so i went and fell even more in love. here are a few of my favorites. follow the links and take some time to fall in love, too.

talk show host (from the romeo and juliet soundtrack)

in rainbows
house of cards (super sick video)
and if you've got a lot of time watch the scotish mist film which covers the whole album

kid A
everything in it's right place (probably one of my absolute favorites)
idioteque (amazing blends)

OK computer
paranoid android (i didn't watch this video all the way through but it looks pretty interesting)
karma police (always reminds me of george orwell's 1984)

the bends
the bends (but you gotta really listen to the lyrics)

pablo honey
creep (the song that made it all happen)


The Snarky Narwhal June 30, 2009 at 10:30 AM  

Paranoid android is the one I heard!

I'm going to have a radio head cram fest day! ^. ^

JAMIE July 1, 2009 at 2:35 AM  

yay! tell me which ones are your favoorites! i'm so excited :D

Holly July 3, 2009 at 2:30 PM  

reckoner is my abso favorite.

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