>> Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i am pleased to say that PinkAppleCore has passed on this lovely award. the rules are to share five things you're obsessed with and then pass it on to five fabulous blogs you read. i was so excited when i scrolled down and found my name on the list. thanks for thinking i'm fabulous, PinkAppleCore! and now for my obsessions (in no particular order)...
1. making lists. i need to make lists to remember anything so my backpack is filled with my to do's written on post-its and my laptop is filled with lists and notes on virtual post-its. i even have a listography to organize my thoughts.
2. farmville on facebook. a little embarrassing to admit, but i figure i should be honest. i check my farm multiple times a day and all my roommates made fun of me until they got hooked, too! it's just a never ending cycle of plow-plant-harvest. i get hooked on games pretty easily so it's not that big of a surprise.
3. late night drives with a good soundtrack. hell, i love any drives with a good soundtrack. i feel like i can be happy no matter what as long as there's some good music in the background. which reminds me,
4. movies. when i was in middle school i had major dreams of becoming a director one day. i think i'm a little too practical to motivate those ambitions, but i will always be down for a good film. recently our cable stopped working for a week and our house became movie central. the past few movies i've watched have been "the wackness" (totally recommend it), "twilight" (it seems to always be playing somewhere in this house and we're all pretty stoked for the new moon premier), "the brothers bloom" (the story of crafty con artists and you can never go wrong with adrian brody) and "a little princess" (this post from ali and wonderland got me craving it).
5. finally, i am obsessed with this picture my auntie posted on facebook. it's of my grandparents circa 1964. so young, i don't even think they were parents yet. i made it the background of my laptop and it makes me happy every time i open it up.

and now, here are some fabulous blogs that i follow:
eating a tangerine: cuileann
jaxfacts: jax
snapshots of a young soul: the rogue hobbit
channe tells it all: channe
angel lust: kat walk
i also want to pass this award back to PinkAppleCore cuz she always show interest in what i have to say and makes me feel popular with all the comments she leaves on my posts. thanks chica!
aw, thank you for passing this on to me :)
also, I am completely obsessed with farmville too!
That photograph of your grandparents is so lovely, I love old photos.
I agree. I do like Chuck Palaniuk. I just finished reading Diary, I think that was his newest one? He is an amazing writer, and I do like that sick side to him. :)
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